How-To: Make a Dignified Exit
So, you meet a girl online, you hooked up, now comes the tricky part. Once you’ve had the night before, the morning after might seem a little anticlimactic. In fact, you might not want to deal with it at all. Fortunately for you, wes’ve put together some ways to help you decide how to handle the dreaded morning after.

Decide whether you want to see this girl again.
Let’s say you do want to meet up with her again in the future. Hey, great sex partners don’t grow on trees. When you meet one, you might as well try to maximize the time you’re going to spend together.
If you want to meet up for sex again, make sure you stay around for the morning after. Yes, it can be sort of awkward, but you need to learn to deal with it in order to get what you want in the future.
If she leaves early, don’t sweat it. But if you leave early, she’ll be constantly wondering what she did wrong, especially if the two of you had a great evening together.
If you want to stay around for a little early-morning fun as well as meeting up again later, make sure you wake up first. Showering is a plus, but brushing your teeth is a MUST. This girl doesn’t want your morning breath, and believe us, even if you can’t smell it, you have it.
What if you’re on the fence about her?
Maybe you had a great evening, but not so great that you care too much about meeting up with her again in the future. Maybe you didn’t have that great a time, but you have the feeling it might be better if you meet up with this same woman again.
If you just can’t decide, then get up earlier in the morning than she does. Give her a gentle nudge to wake her up before you leave. Tell her you had a great time, and thank her for the evening.
Then, get up, get dressed (make sure you have a bag packed with everything you need—adults do not do the walk of shame, remember), and make an exit quickly, but not hastily.
You should be able to get out before she’s really awake, which saves you a lot of small talk. If she doesn’t already have your number, then leave her your number for later.
Maybe you had a terrible time.
If you had such a bad time that you’re sure you’re never going to see this girl again, then you don’t need to stick around for something that’s never going to happen.
In fact, you don’t even need to bother going to sleep. If you’re at her place or a hotel room, just wait until she falls asleep. Hopefully, she’ll be a heavy sleeper that you won’t wake when you get up.
Even if you don’t want to see her again, leave her a note. It’s just the polite thing to do. Even if she was terrible, thank her for the evening. It costs you nothing to be gracious.
Of course, you shouldn’t leave your phone number, assuming she doesn’t already have it. She doesn’t need it. You don’t want to meet up with her again, and she’ll get the message.
Once you know whether you want to meet this woman again for sex, your choices become very clear. Just find out whether you want to have sex with her again, and plan accordingly.