Tips for Meeting – and Keeping – Beautiful Women
If you’re on this site, you probably want to learn how to meet beautiful women, and how to keep them interested.

The first thing you need to do is remember to keep an open mind. We’ve found that a lot of Canadian men have been pretty resistant to our number one trick for meeting women.
Don’t ignore the Internet.
Yes, it seems weird to advocate using Internet websites to meet women. After all, most traditional ways to meet women don’t usually include sitting by yourself in a room with a computer.
However, the modern woman is a bit different. They want everything scheduled. You have to basically go to where they are, or they’ll cut you out of the picture entirely…and where they are is the Internet.
You need a strategy.
Sex in Canada is just like sex everywhere else in the world: you’re going to need a strategy, because luck can only take you so far. You have to know how to use the proper dating sites, how to make yourself look attractive to female eyes, and how to use your disadvantages to your advantages when you’re looking to learn how to meet up for sex.
We’ve created a series of guides that can help. Here are our guides to dating in Canada:
![]() | If You Want Sex NOW, Try Hookup Sites There are some things that dating sites are great for, but hooking men and women up quickly isn’t one of them. For the best results you’ve ever seen, check out the hookup sites we recommend. |
![]() | How-To: Show Your Personality In Your Dating Profile Are you nervous that you might not be shining through in your dating profile? We’ll show you how to pick the right words and stand out from the crowd in a few easy steps. |
![]() | How-To: Be Assertive Without Being a Jerk All women like bad boys, right? WRONG. Women like assertive men. We’ll teach you how to look and sound like one, without going too far and just sounding like a jerk. |
![]() | How-To: Discuss a One-Night Stand Discussing a one-night stand can be very awkward. Make sure you’re equipped with our tips and tricks about how to make it much easier for both of you in the long run. |
![]() | How-To: Prepare for Your One-Night Stand You don’t want to jump into a one-night stand without being prepared. We’ll break down what you need, what you need to do first, and how to get started with her. |
![]() | How-To: Make a Dignified Exit We won’t leave you hanging about what to do after the fun. We’ll teach you how to end your one-night stand with grace, and without leaving her wanting to never see you again. |
Obviously, not every guide will work equally well for every person, but we’ve calibrated them carefully, and we think these guides will do the trick for pretty much everyone.
One of the most important things you can do to hone your strategy is to get as much information as you can. That’s how we were able to gather so much data that we could start making these guides—we kept track of everything we did, and analyzed that information.
Keep track of which sites you use.
The great thing about online dating is that you can evaluate every interaction you have. It’s not like going to a bar or a Tim Horton’s where you can think to yourself, “I had a good interaction with a woman, but I’m not sure where it’s going. It might be something, it might be nothing, but I should keep coming back to make sure.”
If you’re not sure if a site is working for you, look at the numbers. If you notice that there are some sites where you’re just not making any progress—not getting email responses, not getting dates—then cut it loose. There are other amazing sites out there.
You don’t need to waste your time.
You want to spend time meeting beautiful women, not desperately running around trying to figure out how to meet up for sex in Canada. That’s not going to do you any favors. Just stick with our review guide and your time will be well-spent.