Gifts to Give to Your Side Girl
When it comes to special holidays or birthdays, you want to make sure to give your girl the right present. It has to be good enough to make her smile because if you get no reaction (or a faked one), you may just walk away now. What about if she’s not your main girlfriend? Are you supposed to put in just as much effort into gifts? That’s a good question and the answer is quite different. A side job doesn’t get as much attention as your main one, so why should a side girl get as much attention as your main girlfriend? If you’re strained for ideas on what to get your other woman, here are some easy presents to come up with.
A Shopping Spree

“Take her for shopping and let her buy all that she wants”
Depending on how much cash you have in the bank, a shopping spree is an easy present since you don’t have to plan anything and she is in control of the buying. The only part you should have control over is the location. Take her to a cheaper store and when she eyes something she wants, pull a fast one on her and say “Do you like that? I’ll tell you what, it’s yours. It is (fill in holiday here) after all.” She’ll think that you’re being spontaneous and loving, when in actuality, you just let her pick her own gift. If she throws a fit about you not planning anything, let her know the shopping spree was planned all along.
A Romantic Night Out
Again, this one doesn’t require giving an actual gift. To many girls, a romantic night out is a good enough present for a holiday since it makes them feel like you’re putting tons of thought into the set up. Extra touches added to a normal night out make it holiday worthy, so add a few roses and have the waiter bring out something special and personalized. Have a small cake made that has her name written on it with a heart, or a card with a picture of the two of you. She’ll be touched by your sentimental gift.
If you feel that you should give her an actual token of your affection, aim for jewelry. There are so many necklaces, bracelets, earrings, etc. that look much more expensive than they actually are. It’s easy to fool her into thinking that you spent more money on her than you did. Avoid giving her a ring since they are often confused with a higher commitment level. Even if you aren’t down on your knee proposing to her, her subconscious will automatically make the gesture seem more than it is.

“Gifting her unique food items is always a good choice”
More often women will enjoy a sweet given to them. Buy her a box of chocolates or some sort of confectionary and she won’t even realize that you didn’t get her a large gift. She’ll have food to eat, which will just remind her that you did buy her something to enjoy.