How to Make an Entrance: The Essentials of Speed Dating

“Be confident and have your questions in mind beforehand”
Speed dating can be a little nerve wracking, especially if you don’t work well under pressure. There are a lot of women in Canada, so speed dating is one of the best ways to skip the drama and get right to the core of whether or not you get along with a woman. It can also be fun if you go to the right kind of event, finding something that’s attuned to your interests. The great thing about speed dating is that, unlike online dating, where you have the benefit of seeing many different profiles, you get to meet lots of people in addition as well as meeting face-to-face at the same time. It’s not a very mainstream trend, so our team came up with a few pointers for different types of speed dating that ended in successful hookups with beautiful women.
Themed Speed Dating

“There are special themed speed dating parties”
Speed dating has become so popular in the last decade that there are usually different themes available. Sometimes speed dating will happen at special events, like conventions, but it might also be advertised for particular types of professions that leave little time to date, such as the financial sector or any other type of high pressure job. Pick a type of speed dating that appeal to you and you’ll have women who match up to your lifestyle. We recommend the ones geared toward busy professions because the chance of hooking up with a woman who you get along with is much greater if she has the same schedule as you. If she likes you and she’s interested, a busy woman will be decisive about it.
Making an Impression
The most intimidating part of speed dating isn’t the sign up process, but rather, the showing up process. If you have never speed dated, the first time can be a little overwhelming, but it gets easy very quickly. No one there is going to be any more equipped to talk to a complete stranger than another – no one knows each other – so to make a good first impression, the best thing to do is relax. Be casual and conversational, when you first sit down with a woman, take note of her speed dating ID number in case you like her. Strike up a conversation with content – ask her something about herself related to the theme of the event, but make sure to follow the rules. Many times, there are rules related to what type of information you’re allowed to reveal during the actual “date.”
Follow Up

“Note down the contestant number so that it is easy to follow up with her”
Don’t be afraid to follow up if you like someone. Usually the way that speed dating works is that you’ll write down a list of ID numbers of women that you liked, and all the women that you liked will do the same. If your interest for each other overlaps then you to take it from there, call her up! If a woman remembered you well enough through a series of seven minute dates to write you down, it’s worth following up on.