Keeping Her a Secret from Your Friends

“She’ll feel bad and doubtful if you keep her away from your friends”
Most men seem to gravitate towards one of two extremes of thought when they start dating a new girl. Should they tell everyone who’ll listen how happy they are to have her, or should they keep her a secret and all to themselves because she’s so great they don’t want to share her? If you have ever been in that position then you are not alone. It’s pretty normal to get overwhelmed when you start dating a new girl. Even though you have undoubtedly been around the dating scene for quite some time, there’s always that little moment of excitement. It seems a little juvenile, but that’s okay in this instance. If you tell everyone that you are dating someone new, you’ll be flooded with questions and people wondering how you met and what she’s like. For that reason alone, it can be beneficial to keep her a secret, at least for a while. Though, this decision can be a double-edged sword.
The Pros
If your friends don’t know about her, you don’t have to worry about them hitting on her. Even though you’re friends, there are (surprisingly) some guys out there who think that it’s completely alright to hit on a friend’s girlfriend, especially when they have just started dating and they think they might be able to steal her away. Occasionally, they’ll do that obnoxious thing where they hit on her and then if you get upset about it, they insist that they were just joking, and then they’ll ask you why you don’t just lighten up. If your friends don’t know about her until your relationship is pretty serious and you’re certain she won’t leave you for them then you don’t have to worry. Another good thing about keeping her a secret is that your friends won’t tease you for being whipped. If you’ve got a girl who you’d do anything for, chances are that your friends are going to tease you for it. After all, men should always keep women at an arm’s length, right? You know that isn’t always the case, but it’s an unfortunate side effect of having friends who like casual relationships. Though, If they don’t know about her, how can they tease you for it?
The Cons

“Your friends might start flirting with her”
The biggest downside to keeping her a secret from your friends is that you run the risk of her thinking that you’re ashamed of her. You know that isn’t the case, but without another feasible explanation, she’s likely to think that’s the reason. You don’t want the woman you’re with to think that you don’t want to show her off to people, because nothing will kill her self-esteem quicker than thinking her own boyfriend doesn’t think she’s worth people knowing about. Another downside to keeping her a secret from your friends is that since you’ll be with her a lot of the time, people will start thinking you‘re up to something. As silly as that sounds, if you don’t tell them you have a girlfriend, they’ll just think you’re running off to different places randomly and they’ll just think you’re pretty weird.